just a place for ideas and thoughts, things that happen and things that i imagine, a place to record my journey and an attempt to catch some of the things that go through my head : )

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Amy the Fire Dancer

Hey guys,

So the weekend was really really fun. Not only did I get to laugh at my attempts at french AND learn to juggle almost, but I did some fire dancing with a stick!

So a few weeks ago Meike and myself met a bunch of french guys who have discovered Hawaii is like a home for gypsies or something and have been learning acrobatics and flame throwing from these people they keep meeting. Meike has been hanging out with them and learning lots of cool tricks, and on Saturday night, Meike, Alyssa, Kezia and myself went to a bbq with them, and it was heaps and heaps of fun. They gave us french chocolate on the condition we would have our photo taken with "mini potam" this tiny magnetic hippopotomaus (sp?) that has travelled the world and has his own blog spot. And I was playing around with the fire sticks (unlit) and the boys were being very patient with me it was so surprising! And so I finally got the hang of it a little bit and even lit the stick, but I was too scared to do the cool tricks Í'd learnt coz you have to do them fast otherwise the fire comes down the stick and burns your hands. So I just twirled the stick around a few times in front of me and felt really cool. And then we practiced some juggling (jonglant en francais?) and the boys showed us a few tricks and Kezia got a halo. And it was so rad. And then on Sunday we met them at the beach again, and then tonight Alyssa and myselfs Bible Study and Kezia are coming to the actual place where you learn fire dancing and stuff. So thats guna be awesome.

I am eating snifters. SO good! Aparently they have them in Europe too so Meike tells me, just not here. Thanks Em for puttin them in that pack!

So anyways, here are the photos

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This is Jeremie (not Jeremy^^), Arnaud and little Cyril (there are 2) and mini potam with the last of the chocolate

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This is Kezia with her halo, Aurelien (sp?) is behind her with the fire stick.

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This is Kezia and Alyssa with Mini Potam



Anonymous said...

French Lessons :
We partice some juggling.
Nous nous somme entrainés au Jonglage.

Jonglant, Participe present du verbe Jongler...
Ex :
I Fell when i was juggling on Nick's shoulder.
Je suis tombé en jonglant sur les epaules de Nick.

It was a pleasure having you girls at Kakaaco
The Gypsies or something 's Friend !

Anonymous said...

Well lorel already correct you french ... so I will just say that the french guy on the right of the pictures looks like so much like FEZ ... you know FEZ ?

Well i,m really happy to ear that you had a good time

Hugz :D

Anonymous said...

Hi little Amy ^^
So as I did for Meike, I'll do it for you :P You have mispelled my name !!! Ohh poor guy I am ! :D But I'm a generous guy, and I'll give an another chance ^^...
But the most important thing is that you had a good time with us, and I'm glad to hear it. I hope it will continue like this. And thank you for having been there. See ya ;)
