just a place for ideas and thoughts, things that happen and things that i imagine, a place to record my journey and an attempt to catch some of the things that go through my head : )

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

my peeps

OK so my window looks out on to the street, across the road is university, if I cross the road and go down the street thats there, a bunch of my friends live there, if I go away from university down a huge flight of stairs (don't tell peter! he's bringing a team over here next year :P) the pool is right behind me. I'm totally just loving that at home everything was so far away, and I spent so much time just driving everywhere and stuck in traffic, and here everything is 2 seconds away, and I have time to chill, and watch people from my window.

haha that sounds so melodramatic or something. but anyway. I really like watching people walking on the street from my window. people on their way to and from class, people waiting for the bus. Some people run, like you know when you're on your way home and you just have to run you just can't walk? some people look really stressed out, some people laugh and i totally have to gush when I see a boy and girl walk towards eachother, say hi, and then keep going, and one of them keeps smiling, or like, blushes to their friend or something. So fun.

Sometimes if I see someone I know, I yell out at them and tell them I love them. and they don't know where its coming from thats so fun too. a lot of them figure it out pretty quick though, I think the accent gives it away dang it!

I stole this idea off Meike, but sometimes I just want to take photos of random people. Capture something we see in someone we'll never know but will for some reason remember. Capture the uniqueness and beauty of a person, their strength or the way lines cut their face, or how they have no lines on their face.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, but basically, people are amazing. Our capacity to love, to hate, to explore, to push limits, to create, to destroy, to survive, to dream, to do anything is so huge, so amazing to me. When I see adds about starving african children, I'm not moved by the fact that they have nothing and that they're starving, that sounds really bad, but theres so much bad stuff it this world. But I can't no matter how hard I try, keep a tear away when I see one smiling. What is it about joy that is so intriguing/compelling/moving whatever the word is?
You're amazing. Go make a little history k? (if you don't know what that means, watch Garden State :D) Say it. I (your name) am amazing.

peace out
A xxox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amy...amen:) in chile, i have met some of the most beautiful people i have ever met. (besides you and our frenchies of course.) i love you with all my heart
