just a place for ideas and thoughts, things that happen and things that i imagine, a place to record my journey and an attempt to catch some of the things that go through my head : )

Monday, January 14, 2008


today began my last semester of university. in a few short months, my under graduate degree will be finished and i will leave the world of academia indefinitely. yay! it's been such a long time coming!

in other recent news, Coralee and Alex were married on saturday, and the saturday before that was Michelle & AJ. two Amazing days of celebration. i had such a great time at home. it's scary coming back, i'm no longer on the water polo team, because being in Coralee's bridal party required me coming back to training a week late, which my coach was not willing to accomodate and so i made the decision to accept the consequences and go to the wedding. It has been really hard to accept, terrifying and heartbreaking to choose to walk away from the thing that has taken most of my time and energy over the last 10 years, the thing that has brought me the most delight and the thing that i have cried most about. But there comes a point, i guess where i'm at now, where some things are more important. and so i chose my friends, and i will never regret the decision. i can't. it's scary and hard and sad, but i know i'm in the right place, i have more peace than i've had in a really long time, and it will probably good for me to get to know who i am outside water polo. i don't know what's coming, but i'm ok with that. which is a huge step for me! don't get me wrong i've been grieving like no tomorrow. and every time someone brings it up i struggle to keep it together, but i will be ok.

anyways, here are some photos. i'm sorry i still haven't figured out how to arrange them nicely so they'll be all over the place but bear with me k? ta


Nooy said...

AMYYYYYY you updated! Alot! sweet pictures! I think I'm a little late on checking them out, but WOW!
mail you soon!

jenifer said...

I wish you liked me.
