just a place for ideas and thoughts, things that happen and things that i imagine, a place to record my journey and an attempt to catch some of the things that go through my head : )

Friday, June 25, 2010


so, im sitting here, bored bored bored, it's too hot to do much, i should be job hunting but recently just haven't been motivated. i had the almost perfect summer job lined up, teaching english to 4-6 year olds in a camp starting next week but then all of a sudden, less than a week before it started, it all fell through so i've been feeling quite sorry for myself the last few days haha. i was so relaxed and calm about everything in the first time in so long and all of a sudden i'm back in the anxiety of having no secure income. will have to go around the bars to see if i can work in a terrace somewhere, or else i will be coming home early! i did see an add today, just on a normal work website, like seek.co.nz or something, under miscellanous, an add for a girl to be in a porno movie for girl on girl action that was paying 200euros an hour! hahaha tempting....(JOKING MUM AND DAD!) anyways, i hate complaining on the blog, so on to bigger and better things

summer has finally come out in full force here in madrid, this week has been an average of 35 degrees every day, last night there was a lightning storm which we watched from my 9th floor window that looks out over the south of madrid, have never seen fork lightning before and it was just amazing. so cool. but still boiling hot.

i have to say i'm very proud of the all whites, contrary to the rest of the world the spanish media hasn't been that kind to them, the opinion after the italy game was that nz was terrible and italy obviously even worse for not being able to trash us. but a boy that i teach told me today that he was impressed but how the all whites played above the media and above the expectations of the world, which i think was quite a profound comment for a 14 year old boy! and he was right, we have a lot to be proud of. the all whites showed us something that is all too common for smaller, 'less popular' nz teams, how close we are to the top, but how we lack that little bit extra to get there. i think the all whites, should they continue on this route, can definitely get there. i'm really curious to know how much funding they got. i also had to laugh when i saw this photo today in the herald with an article about how kiwi fans had clashed with police after nz's last game for staying in the stadium for too long.
the guy in the kiwi costume is just too funny, have to say though, i'm proud that the article didn't talk about how we were voilent or fighting with police, if they had been spanish fans there would have been no hands up in the air thats for sure. i guess the sa police need to use forceful tactics a lot more than we are used to in nz. i just love that guy in the kiwi costume!
